RSU 63 Technology Vision
RSU 63 uses technology to enhance high quality academic programs, instruction, and learning in a safe and supportive environment so students succeed in school and reach their fullest potential in life.
- The RSU 63 community recognizes the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and acts in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
- RSU 63 will use technology to empower our learners by giving them choices and the ability to work at their own pace. We will do this by meeting learners where they are and providing a rigorous learning path for all students. Providing choices will help our students be connected learners who know that learning does not only happen in the classroom.
- RSU 63 provides ongoing professional development that supports highly qualified, skillful teachers in technology use and integration using technology to help teachers plan, coach, guide, and facilitate learning in new ways.
- RSU 63 will use technology to help facilitate effective communication. Students will learn to communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals. Teachers will also use technology to collaborate and communicate with parents, students, and colleagues.
- RSU 63 students will actively explore real world problems, developing ideas and employing strategies for solving problems in ways that leverage technology.
Contact Information
George Cummings
Technology Coordinatorp: 207-843-4316